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Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 Annual #7


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The Collected Spider-Man

The Collector is back in circulation after being restored to life in the final issue of the Contest of Champions Limited Series. And now the ancient elder of the universe is doing what he does best…collect super-heroes! His first target is the web-slinger and his second one…Marrina of Alpha Flight! But while the Collector is reeling in his two prizes, Marrina sends a distress call to the remainder of Alpha Flight! Shortly thereafter, Aurora, Northstar, Puck, and Sasquatch bust into the Collector’s massive starship, and the wild free-for-all begins! Can the six heroes corral the Collector? Cameo appearance by the Black Cat.

No Place to Run

Back up story: It’s an offbeat tale as a normal husband and wife in Albany, New York become alarmed when a superhero (Human Torch and Black Panther) vs. super-villain (Crimson Dynamo) battle take place in their community.

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