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Daredevil Vol 1 #171


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Matt goes undercover and joins the Kingpin’s gang so he can steal the info Fisk has collected on the underworld. Kingpin catches him in the act and beats him senseless. During the Kingpin’s exchange with the men holding his wife, someone is apparently killed.

DD wakes up in a garbage truck after his battle with Bullseye in the previous issue. As Kingpin rolls into town his man Lynch leans on the small time muscle of the crime lords. Kingpin tells him to let him go that he’s wasting his time. Murdock spends time in Central park with his girl Heather. Matt tells her of the kidnapping of the Kingpins wife and how badly the crime bosses want Kingpins files. Bullseye has already had it with the crime bosses, as he becomes an errand boy delivering their proposal to the Kingpin. The crime bosses want to trade the Kingpins wife for the information he has on them despite Vanessa’s warning to them to let her go before its too late. Matt Murdock goes undercover as a hired hand in Josie’s Bar inquiring about a lady named Vanessa. Turk and 3 men surround the stranger warning him that he might get himself killed throwing that name around. The Stranger demands to see the Kingpin. As the men are about to move on the stranger, he erupts with a powerful kick sending the men flying which causes an immense bar fight. In the end Turk brings the stranger to Kingpin despite Grotto telling him thats exactly what the stranger wants. They travel through the sewers . Eventually they meet up with Lynch and the KIngpin. Matt tells the Kingpin his name is “Shades” and is a hit man for hire and has learned his trade from Eric Slaughter. Shades borrows a pen.The Kingpins right hand man Lynch draws a gun on him just as Shades throws the pen jamming the gun. The Kingpin hires him. Just then Duke walks in barely alive. Duke delivers his message before he slumps to the ground. He tells the Kingpin,” Bullseye jumped us outside of Sweeney’s. He has message for you Boss. You must meet with his bosses ,if you want your wife back. Alone, unarmed, at a Construction site at 9th & 40th at midnight.” .Lynch makes a suggestive move as he tells Kingpin its his chance to eliminate the crime lords and become the Kingpin of crime again.The Kingpin grabs Lynch and lifts him a foot off the ground telling him all he wants back is his wife. Leaving Shades locked in a vault, the Kingpin readies himself for his meeting with the crime lords. Matt desperately has not counted on this and opens the vault door which takes all his strength. The Kingpin charges in the dark vault only to find out that Shades is really DareDevil. DD flings his billy club knocking the flashlight out of the Kingpins hands. DD puts up a good fight landing many powerful kicks and punches only to be exhausted. The Kingpin lands one powerful blow to DD’s head rendering him unconscious. Kingpin tells turk to get rid off DareDevils body then sets his sights on the next step making the trade. At the construction site the Kingpin tries to make the trade for his wife by disabling his enemies with a high pitch sonic device hidden in his briefcase. the Kingpin is protected by wearing ear plugs. As the enemies of the Kingpin grovel in pain, Wilson Fisk approaches his wife to set her free. Then there is one of the men on the ground in pain, who crawls and finds the mortar device and fires it. The resulting explosion brings the construction site down and around the Kingpin and everyone involved in the poorly performed trade. Kingpin and Lynch try to flee the scene. The Kingpin can’t find his wife. Lynch convinces the Kingpin that everone has escaped and the only thing left to do is to make the crime lords pay for what they have done. Later Grotto and Turk dump DD in the main junction of New York City’s water drainage system, hoping he drowns.

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