(W) Jeph Loeb (A/CA) Ed McGuinness
After last issue’s shocking murder, there’s evidence on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier that will bring down the killer. So…The Hulk is going after it — and might bring down the Helicarrier instead! The one person standing in the Hulk’s path — Iron Man! Also, the return of the LAST person you ever expected to see! Game on!
On the new S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, Maria Hill shows Tony Stark the kind of gun that was used to kill Emil Blonsky, the Abomination. She-Hulk is there also and wonders why S.H.I.E.L.D. would have such a large gun and how it could have been stolen from them.
She-Hulk is interrupted as a large red hand tears through the wall and grabs her. Stark wants to know how he got in there and if he’s the only one that saw red hands instead of green. There’s a lot of noise coming from the other side of the wall so Stark assumes She-Hulk is putting up a good fight. After a big crash, they check it out and find She-Hulk knocked out on the floor.
Tony orders Maria to get some armor on and to take She-Hulk to sick bay. He calls Agent Quartermain to assess the damage. It seems the Hulk was able to get into the power system. As Iron Man heads towards Quartermain, his scanners pick up more gamma radiation residue on the walls. He finds Clay with Thunderbolt Ross. When he asks where Samson is, it seems he went towards the noise. He doesn’t know what happened to him.
Iron Man continues searching for answers and is about to get some. He comes face to face with the Red Hulk. It growls at him and starts tearing pieces off the helicarrier and is trying to smash him with them. The fact that this Hulk is acting like an animal doesn’t make sense that it would use a gun to kill an enemy.
Going up top, Iron Man finds that the entire helicarrier is about to crash. The Hulk tore out part of the stabilizers and the repairs can’t take place for another 15.9 seconds. He activates the “Iron Man Protocol” and several automated suits launch.
She-Hulk is conscious and tells Tony that things are worse than they seem. While the Hulk was there, all of their files on the Hulk have been wiped out and they are about to crash into New York City. Also, it seems that this Hulk spoke to her. It told her that it could kill her any time he wanted. She believed him. Stark gets all the Iron Men to shift the downfall to a field in New Jersey they have reserved for this sort of thing.
Outside of the Gamma Base in Death Valley, Nevada, Rick Jones gets out of a truck that he hitched a ride in. As the truck drives off, a voice behind him says he thought he was supposed to be dead. Rick just says, “You thought wrong.” The voice says it doesn’t like being wrong and he should know that by now. A giant red hand smacks him down. It tells him that he’s going to have to stay dead. Rick tries getting to his feet and is having trouble thinking clearly. Turning into a BLUE Abomination (and calling himself “A-Bomb”) he says he has to kill the “Red Man.”