Following the horror of the Mutant Massacre, the X-Men turn to the Fantastic Four seeking aid for their youngest member — Kitty Pryde’s mutant ability to phase through solid matter is now threatening her life!
Franklin Richards has a nightmare where both the Fantastic Four and the X-Men are dead, killed by an amalgamation of Reed Richards and Dr Doom – and it is all due to an old journal of Reed’s. When Franklin tries to tell his father about this, he sends him to his mother. While unpacking old things, Sue finds the journal from Franklin’s dreams, reads it and later confronts her husband with her horrible findings. Near Muir Isle, Longshot and Dazzler spot and rescue a shipwrecked sailor. In the meantime, Magneto informs the X-Men that he has learned that Reed Richards has created an experimental device that might save Shadowcat’s life. He intends to talk to the FF. He meets the Things and She-Hulk, who accidentally met each other, and together they and the Torch save a house from breaking down. Nevertheless, the Thing and the Torch mistrust Magneto, as he tells them and Reed of his problem. Reed is torn whether or not to help but finally relents. On way to Muir, he asks Ben whether he is ruthless and learns that his friend considers him so certain that it is a kind of ruthlessness. Ben also refers to the fact that he’s never been wrong before… except for the rocket flight that turned them into the Fantastic Four. Horrified at this and by what he has learned from the journal, Reed sinks into an emotional slump, completely uncertain what to do, aware of the fact that he might condemn Shadowcat either way. After examining her, he refuses to help, claiming that the device is experimental and the risk too high. Magneto refuses to take “no” for an answer, leading to a fight, which is acerbated by Wolverine, who threatens Richards with the words from Franklin’s prophetic dream.
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