Binary joins the Starjammers! Meanwhile, a spat between Scott Summer and Madelyne Pryor leads to a confrontation with…Dark Phoenix?!
Cyclops shows Madelyne the view from the Starjammer and, despite his doubts about her proposes. Later, though, a snapshot of Jean Grey played into his hands by Mastermind reawakenes his doubts, causing him to ask Madelyne whether she is Phoenix reborn. Angrily, she hits him hard enough to know his glasses off. To his shock, ater he finds his glasses again Cyclops is faced by Dark Phoenix, who blasts him. In the meantime, the Starjammers have decided to leave soon to fight for Lilandra against Deathbird, accompanied by their newest member, Binary. Kitty shows Colossus a new trick with her powers and both of them share a kiss. In Japan, Wolverine demands an explanation from Mariko for aborting their wedding. After she once more insults him, he hands her back the clans honor sword, which she once gave him.
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