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Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #014


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THREE NIGHTS IN THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE!” Lois spends three nights in the Fortress of Solitude, as Superman schemes to prove it would not be the ideal honeymoon cottage.

  1. “Three Nights in the Fortress of Solitude!” (Lois Lane & Superman)
  2. The Best Present of All! (a public service message for teens by Binky)
  3. Peg (a gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  4. Lois Lane’s Soldier Sweetheart! written by Unknown, penciled and inked by Kurt Schaffenberger. (with Superman)
  5. Lois Lane’s Secret Romance! (with Superman, Supergirl, references Batman)

Superman: Lois–You’re Wearing a Batwoman Costume! Does That Mean You Love batman and Intend to Marry Him?

Lois Lane: You’re So Right Superman! Did You Think I’d Spend the Rest of My Life Waiting for You to Propose?

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