Adventures Of Cyclops And Phoenix #1



Jean Grey and Scott Summers, displaced to a timeline where Apocalypse rules all! Two millennia into the future, the X-couple must face a new reality without their powers. Their daughter, Rachel Summers, is the Mother Askani. Nathan, their son, has been infected by a techno-organic virus by Apocalypse. With the stakes high and the future dim, will Cyclops and Phoenix be able to withstand the Age of Apocalypse?

During their honeymoon, the minds of Jean and Scott are transported to human host bodies in the Askani future by Rachel, aka Mother Askani. She is now over a hundred years old and the Askani Clan is destroyed. She explains that she brought the two into the future because she can’t raise baby Nathan and overthrow Apocalypse herself. Baby Nathan, however, had been captured by Palidan Ch’Vayre. Jean and Scott manage to wrest the baby from him and escape in a floodwave. 2000 years from everything they know and remember, they have to raise the child and overthrow Apocalypse’s rule.


Jean Grey opens her eyes. She is on her honeymoon and should see her new husband standing by her side in the tropical setting of St. Barts. Instead, Jean finds herself alone in a building that appears to getting blown to bits. Despite having no clue as to where she is, Jean instinctively saves a man from falling from falling into a fiery inferno. The man ends up being her husband, Cyclops. They watch as a troop of soldiers enters the building in search of survivors.

The soldiers are clearly enemies of the building’s occupants. The soldiers discover Cyclops and Jean in the rafters, but they are sidetracked when their leader is suddenly killed. Cyclops and Jean recognize their benefactor as Rachel Summers, their daughter from another timeline. Rachel is taken captive by Ch’Vayre, a leader in the army of Apocalypse. Jean rushes out to rescue her noticeably aged daughter and finds that she has no powers. Ch’Vayre pushes Jean to the side and Cyclops attacks and stuns Ch’Vayre. He and Jean escape with Rachel into the very bowels of the building (the Askani Cloisters). Rachel then fills the two in:

Rachel came to this present when she switched bodies places with Captain Britain. She, as Mother Askani, established a clan to fight against Apocalypse, who had finally taken control of the world. Rachel discovered that Apocalypse was trying to find the perfect host for his soul and reckoned that Cyclops’s son, Nathan, was that perfect host. She arranged to have Nathan brought into her care before Apocalypse could get him. Because of the techno-organic virus, Nathan was cloned so that some form of Nathan could be used to fight Apocalypse. Unfortunately, the clone was taken, but Nathan was sent to a safehouse. Rachel states that she needs Nathan to learn how to fight Apocalypse, as he is the only one who can overthrow the tyrant’s rule. That is why Rachel brought her parents to the future, to help raise Nathan. Their bodies are cloned from their descendants’ DNA and Rachel duplicates their powers. These proceedings tax Rachel too much and she slips into a coma.

Topside, Ch’Vayre is back to his senses and decides to draw Cyclops and Jean out of hiding by showing a baby he had captured. The baby is Nathan. Cyclops knows that there is no way that we can let Nathan go again. Jean, with her newly regained powers, hurls Cyclops at Ch’Vayre. The giant man still thinks that Cyclops is a human and is surprised when Cylcops nails him with a plasma blast. He grabs Nathan and Jean opens up some flood gates that seeps everyone out of the building.

Cyclops and Jean pull themselves from a river twenty miles away. Rachel is still in her coma; Nathan is safe. They resolve to raise Nathan and do what they can to overthrow Apocalypse.

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